FENCE are designed especially to withstands the impact of a vehicular attack, ideal for sensitive sites, borders and high-risk industries. Crash-rated fences are among the most secure from vehicles from trying to break through them.
Types of FENCE
Security Fence
Chain Link Fence
Welded Link Fence
Security Fence Kuwait
Chain Link Fence
Welded Link Fence
Compliance with International Standards & Technical Specifications
ASTM2656-07 M50-P2 crash standard; equivalent to K12 (DOS), V6810 80/2,15/30 (PAS68) and V/[N2]6810/80/90:2,15/30 (CWA 16221) :Able to withstand minimum 6.8 tonnes of impact travelling at 80 km/h or 50 miles/h
ASTM2656-07 M40 crash standard, equivalent to K8 (DOS) and 6810/65 (PAS68): Able to withstand minimum 6.8 tonnes of impact travelling at 65 km/h or 40 miles/h
ASTM2656-07 M30 crash standard; equivalent to K4 (DOS) and 6810/50 (PAS68) : Able to withstand minimum 6.8 tonnes of impact travelling at 50 km/h or 30 miles/h